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Video Marketing Service in Bangladesh

Video Marketing Service in Bangladesh

Think about it -  if a picture is worth a thousand words, how many words a 60-second explainer video, crafted by a creative mind, can say!

These Facts Might Catch Your Attention

People with love to shop often feel an intense interest in watching what they are going to pay for. A video is perhaps an unbeatable way to satisfy the curiosity of your potential buyers. Videos on social media get more shares than images and text combined. Want to know how many?

97% Of Business Entities Agree Video Helps Their Customers Better Understand Their Offerings
83% Of Video Marketers Report Better ROI From Their Efforts
84% Of Video Marketers Enjoy Increased Traffic
66% More Leads Are Generated Through Video Marketing
88% More Time Spent By Visitors On Sites With Video Content

Tell Us Your Story

Experience more leads, increased sales and loyal customers with our video marketing and YouTube promotion services in Bangladesh

Our Video Production and Marketing Team Is Expert in -

  • Screenwriting
  • Pre-production
  • On-site filming
  • Editing & post-production
  • Video & graphic creation
  • Video SEO
  • YouTube marketing
  • And a lot more


How We Work for You

Conceptualization Comes First

We first find out what your audience really cares about. Then we consider if your business’s USP (Unique Selling Point) might interest your audience. Based on our findings and your requirements, we decide on the number, type, and size of video content that might suit your goal. 

Strategy Comes Next

This is the stage where we structure a video with a script. With a consistent tone, we set the dynamics, visuals, sound, and structure of the video. If you need an animated explainer video, we determine whether it should be text-based or a voiceover. We’ve a full-fledged setup to bring you an impressive result with the use of animated videos. 

For other videos, we determine if they should be a panel discussion or an interview or a monologue. Since naming a single or a series of videos is critical, we incorporate your brand, culture, keyword, and style into the video so it resonates with your brand and engages your audience.

Online video marketing involves more than mere creation and sharing of videos. Every single video created by our talented animators and editors includes what your audience might want to see and share. As the best video editing company in Bangladesh, we do make sure a strong CTA is present no matter how short or long the video is.

How We Determine Each Video Size

The distribution strategy we adopt and the channels we use are two key factors we consider when setting the length of a video. We prefer shorter videos over the larger ones. Wondering how we initiate the final stage of online video marketing? We promote every video that we think is a part of your business. We do the essentials to ensure a solid connection between your social media and blog and website through the videos. 

Success Stories

Our success stories speak volume for our expertise in Youtube marketing services. Check out how our clients benefitted from Doodle Digital and how you can be benefitted as well!

Let's Ready Your Brand's Visualization For Future



Monthly (Subscription Fee)


Total No of video per Month - 1


You Tube channel Creation - Yes

Video Sharing on You Tube - 1

Video Optimization

Thumbnail Creation - 1

Social Bookmarking - 25

Video Likes Enhancement - 25

Video Views Per Month - 50

Daily Motion

Daily Motion channel Creation - Yes

Video Submission on Daily Motion - 1

Video Optimization

Thumbnail Creation - 1

Social Bookmarking - 25

Video Likes Enhancement - 25

Video Views Per Month - 50


Total No of video per Month - 2


You Tube channel Creation - Yes

Video Sharing on You Tube - 2

Video Optimization

Thumbnail Creation - 2

Social Bookmarking - 50

Video Likes Enhancement - 50

Video Views Per Month - 100

Daily Motion

Daily Motion channel Creation - Yes

Video Submission on Daily Motion - 2

Video Optimization

Thumbnail Creation - 2

Social Bookmarking - 50

Video Likes Enhancement - 50

Video Views Per Month - 100


Total No of video per Month - 3


You Tube channel Creation - Yes

Video Sharing on You Tube - 3

Video Optimization

Thumbnail Creation - 3

Social Bookmarking - 75

Video Likes Enhancement - 75

Video Views Per Month - 150

Daily Motion

Daily Motion channel Creation - Yes

Video Submission on Daily Motion - 3

Video Optimization

Thumbnail Creation - 3

Social Bookmarking - 75

Video Likes Enhancement - 75

Video Views Per Month - 150


Total No of video per Month - 4


You Tube channel Creation - Yes

Video Sharing on You Tube - 4

Video Optimization

Thumbnail Creation - 4

Social Bookmarking - 100

Video Likes Enhancement - 100

Video Views Per Month - 200

Daily Motion

Daily Motion channel Creation - Yes

Video Submission on Daily Motion - 4

Video Optimization

Thumbnail Creation - 4

Social Bookmarking - 100

Video Likes Enhancement - 100

Video Views Per Month - 200

Grow Your Business with Us!

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